There is increasing interest in the health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish and fish oils, which consist of the active ingredients docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
DHA is a physiologically essential nutrient required in high levels by the brain and the retina of the eye in order to provide for optimal neuronal functioning (learning ability, mental development) and visual acuity, in the young and old alike. DHA and EPA are both regarded as having beneficial effects in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors, as well as other chronic disorders.
While the average person consumes considerable amounts of the plant-derived Omega-3 fatty acid known as a-linolenic acid (ALA) on a daily basis, DHA is consumed at much smaller levels and EPA even less so.
Most fish oils on the market contain EPA and DHA in various quantities. But which of these essential nutrients is better for you? The answer is that both DHA and EPA are vital, but each at different stages of life; and it’s becoming clear in the scientific community that they both perform different functions.
DHA is now thought to constitute the building blocks of the brain, forming about 8% by weight, which is why it’s important for pregnant mothers to ensure an adequate supply throughout pregnancy. DHA is also added to some infant milk formulas, as an infant requires a lot of DHA in the first two years of life to support brain growth. Significantly, EPA is now considered by some leading UK doctors and professors to be the single most vital nutrient in the functioning of the brain and for nerve stimulation.
Plant food sources rich in ALA (such as flax, canola oil, and walnuts)do not contain DHA and EPA and since the metabolic conversion of ALA to DHA/EPA (combined) is somewhat limited in humans, the most direct way of providing DHA plus EPA for the body is via direct consumption.
It’s now widely accepted that, as well as being a benefit to your heart and joints, Omega-3 fish oil is also good for your brain. So, for a healthier body and mind, consuming more fish oil is a ‘no brainer’.